This is a collection of pages, classes, workshops, tutorials, presentations, workshops, and other resources I've developed. Most of my work feature lots of notes and are creative commons licensed for reuse with attribution.
- Project pages
- Now - What am I working on right now?
- Info about me, contact info and newsletter.
- + (pages), a list of the extended pages of this site. You are here.
- Nosebook (blog) where I write posts, articles and tutorials.
- Log, running short notes of ongoing work on my projects, often technical.
- Feed - RSS Feed for the Nosebook blog
- Links elsewhere on the internet.
- Flow page with playlists and music to accompany writing and working.
- Everyday, a behind-the-scenes place for me to prototype projects. My digital studio.
School and classes
- My faculty page at Purchase
- - My Purchase College short-url redirectory
- Programming Games
- Drawing, Moving and Seeing with Code
- Programming for Visual Artists
- Special Projects in Tiny Computing
- Scripting for the Web
- Social Software
- Creating User Interfaces
Workshops and Presentations
I also coordinated the Babycastles Academy workshops, so check out the tutorials and linked videos there as well.
- Electronics Faire: Programming a BASIC Game - Workshop in BASIC for Loretta C Duckworth Scholars Studio at Temple University Libraries - Temple Electronic Faire 2025
- Podcasting 101 Workshop - notes for a 1-day workshop for students at Purchase College in Film and Media Studies - Nov 2024.
- WordHack Artist Talk and Cowsay Presentation Systems - My artist talk and cowsay-based command line presentation system built for presenting at WordHack, September 2024.
- Artist Talk - for NYU ITP, The Coding Lab, 2024.
- Controlled and Uncontrolled Chaos - NYU Tisch Collaborative Arts, 2024.
- Walking Simulators, Memory Palaces, and Public Exhibitions - College Art Association (CAA) panel: 3D Worldbuilding: Contexts, Narratives and Pedagogies, 2024.
- Strategic Preservation of Online Communities - ISEA workshop, 2023.
- Building a Mental Model of AI in the Classroom - Purchase College, Spring Faculty Colloquium II. Conversations about Artificial Intelligence, 2023.
- Artist talk - SAIC Art and Technology Studies, 2023.
- DIY Approaches to Preserving DIY Communities Online - New Media Writing Prize, Bournemouth University, with Elecronic Literature Organization and British Library, 2023.
- Artist talk - St. Mary's College of Maryland, 2022.
- Where Does the Art Happen? - Harvestworks 'Conflict / Resolution' Artist Talk, 2022.
- Fantasy Filing Systems: Interactive Narratives of the OS - Presentation for Narrascope 2022.
- Web World and Cooperative Computing - ARoS Art Museum, with Code&Share[], Aarhus, Denmark, 2022.
- Open Source Artist Tools, 2021.
- A Friendly Approach to Writing Proposals and Grants - Babycastles Academy workshop. Babycastles, NYC, 2021.
- Xzone and Virtual Autonomous Zones, 2020.
- Processing Community Day NYC conference I co-organized in 2019 - 2020.
- One Dimensional Dungeons talk at Roguelike Celebration 2020.
- Creative Tool Microcommunities - Eyeo Festival. Minneapolis, 2019.
- Play A Story - Narrative and Videogames - UCLA Design Media Arts Summer Institute, 2017.
- Radical DIY Computing workshop co-organized with Echo Theohar, 2017.
- Divination and Chance Operation workshop taught at ITP Camp, June 2018.
- Intro to Twine and Choose Your Own Adventure Games taught at ITP Camp, June 2018
- Generating Text with Tracery for a Website, 2025.
- Processing to Love - A tutorial for those with experience in Processing/p5.js to get started with the Love2d game framework, 2021 - 2024.
- Explorations in Tiny BASIC, 2022.
- Fish Scripting, 2022.
- Git for Artists and Misfits, 2020.
- Setting up a Raspberry Pi slideshow, Nov 2014.
- Creative Coding on the Command Line - An abandoned attempt at writing an instructional book for artists interested in coding, perhaps with some previous experience in Processing or p5.js. Many chapter stubs were written. 2016.
Devlogs and errata
- Log ongoing detailed reports of my progress on art and code projects.
- Everyday - Mini-site for back-of-house studio tests in creative coding, website design, project prototyping, etc.
- Puzzlescript Studies - Experiments and Creative Coding in Puzzlescript.
- Awesome Puzzlescript list of resources for working with the Puzzlescript game engine.
- December Adventure 2024 - Devlog for working projects for the month of December.
- Noisevember 2022 log - Notes taken daily while working on scripting in Monome Forth for the Teletype module on modular synth.
- - A now-expired website dedicated to sharing cool public art, music and cultural events around Los Angeles. Active 2016 - 2018.
- Info and Archive of "Jsun" Adrian McCarty's projects 2016.
Selected Software and Website Projects
- Archiving Artist-Run Spaces - project to preserve the online activities of DIY and artist-run communities in the era of born-digital media, providing tools, models for preservation and partnerships.
- Random Walk - Online magazine of computational art.
- Gas Gallery Archive - Archive site for Gas gallery.
- Experimental Archive Space - Archive project for Space 1026.
- Bookmobile - downloads articles in readability mode for offline viewing as simple HTML, themed html, epub or markdown.
- Panblog - a simple, minimal bash and pandoc-based static site generator.
- Pomodoro Timer - for the Pico-8 fantasy console.
- LoremSoft - A custom Lorem Ipsum page with hand-crafted and generated shareware-style descriptions.
- p5-flatgame - a flatgame template in p5.js
- Room 21 - a musical performance project I curated, by composer Jace Clayton, at The Barnes Foundation, presented as part of the Philadelphia Fringe Festival, in 2016. Original site by Random Embassy, ported by me to static html, css.
- Time Capsule - An ambitious (and perhaps naive) attempt at coaching students to build a series of 10-year time capsules on the web (see prompt). With Kelsey Elder.
- ExquisiteCorp music systems.