Programming Games

Class 4 - Objects, Collisions, Pong

Play homework


Pong game test



This week is all about Pong! Programming this game will challenge us to use all of our new skills. We need to create a ball, have it bounce around the screen, and take player input to move controllers. We’ll build the game one step at a time, in an iterative fashion.

Class Notes

Warm-up activity: Minigame

This is a partner activity.

A minigame (or “mini-game”) is a short game inside of another game! We can think of it as one of many smaller games that together make up a complete game, sometimes with an overarching narrative. Generally, each minigame has its own gameplay mechanics, and are quite minimal compared to a videogame consisting of a single game design.

Can you think of examples?

For this week’s warmup activity, we will try to make a simplified version of this minigame as seen in The Simpsons arcade game, a minigame between the levels.





Tables - building objects

In our last class we covered a simple use of tables to create arrays.

--numerical arrays
lucky_numbers = {3,7,11,24}
ages_of_my_parents = {72,68}

--string arrays
outkast = {"Big Boi","Andre3000"}
runDMC = {"Run","DMC","Jam Master Jay"}
migos = {"Takeoff", "Offset", "Quavo"}

To find out the first rapper in Outkast: outkast[1]

To find out the last rapper in Migos: migos[#migos]

Using tables to make “objects”

In our previous use of tables, we stored a number of variables or strings, each associated with a number. Each element after a previous was numbered one higher. The 1 element of outkast is Big Boi. The 2 element of outkast is Andre3000.

We can use words instead of numbers. And those words can be meaningful.

We create a table, then assign key-value pairs. When we type the name of the table and a key, we get back the value assigned to that key.

This is an example of creating an object.

my_info = {} = "Lee" --adds the key "name" with the value "Lee"
my_info.age = 42 --adds the key "age" with the value 42
my_info.has_pets = false --adds the key has_pets with the value false

Alternatively, we can create and assign elements all at once:

my_info = {
  name="Lee", age = 42, has_pets=false

To get the data from an object, type the table name and its key.

We get information out of an object in either of two ways:

my_info["name"] --"Lee" --option 1    --"Lee" --option 2

I think the second one is slightly easier to type and it’s what I tend to use.

Detecting collision

Let’s say we’re making a game where you can shoot down monsters. A monster should die when it is hit by a bullet. So what we need to check is: Is the monster colliding with a bullet?

We’re going to create a collision check function. We will be checking collision between rectangles. This is called AABB collision. So we need to know, when do two rectangles collide?

I created an image with three examples:

It’s time to turn on that programmer brain if you haven’t already. What is going on in the third example that isn’t happening in the first and second example?

“They are colliding”

Yes, but you have to be more specific. We need information that the computer can use.

Take a look at the positions of the rectangles. In the first example, Red is not colliding with Blue, because Red is too far to the left. If Red was a bit further to the right, they would touch. How far exactly? Well, if Red’s right side is further to the right than Blue’s left side. This is something that is true for example 3.

But it’s also true for example 2. We need more conditions to be sure there is collision. So example 2 shows we can’t go too far to the right. How far exactly can we go? How much would Red have to move to the left for there to be collision? When Red’s left side is further to the left than Blue’s right side.

So we have two conditions, is that enough to ensure there is collision?

Well no, look at the following image:

This situation agrees with our conditions. Red’s right side is further to the right than Blue’s left side. And Red’s left side is further to the left than Blue’s right side. Yet, there is no collision. That’s because Red is too high. It needs to move down. How far? Till Red’s bottom side is further to the bottom than Blue’s top side.

But if we move it too far down, there won’t be collision anymore. How far can Red move down, and still collide with Blue? As long as Red’s top side is further to the top than Blue’s bottom side.

Now we got four conditions. Are all four conditions true for these three examples?

Red’s right side is further to the right than Blue’s left side.

Red’s left side is further to the left than Blue’s right side.

Red’s bottom side is further to the bottom than Blue’s top side.

Red’s top side is further to the top than Blue’s bottom side.

Yes, they are! Now we need to turn this information into a function.

First let’s create two rectangles. We’ll need a x,y location, a width, and a height for each of them.

Remember that a rectangle’s syntax is: rect(x1,y1,x2,y2). You draw a rectangle by specifying its top left and bottom right point. For more info: help rect.

function _init()
	--create 2 rectangles
	r1 = {
		x = 10,
		y = 30,
		width = 20,
		height = 20

	r2 = {
		x = 100,
		y = 80,
		width = 15,
		height = 12

function _update()
	--make one rectangle move
	r1.x = r1.x + 1

function _draw()
	rect(r1.x, r1.y, r1.x+r1.width, r1.y+r1.height)
	rect(r2.x, r2.y, r2.x+r2.width, r2.y+r2.height)

Ok, we have a rectangle moving. That’s great. But how can we tell if it’s overlapping the other rectangle?

Building pong

Game scope

Project Procedure

Important Functions

Important code

Coming soon: platformers and adventure games

Code homework

For homework, you will begin working on your own custom version of Pong. You will turn in 2 games: your version of a basic pong game, and your pong variant.
