👽 Lee Tusman

Self-Doubting System


Self-Doubting System is a zero-player game, a self-playing generative work commissioned by MIT Center for Art, Science and Technology for the symposia and exhibition Generative Unfoldings. Embodying a constellation of artistic practices and generative techniques, the work uses source materials from the artist, collected texts, and quotations embedded with the fortune files of an operating system - a collaboration between artist and software. The narrative is inconclusively self-reflective yet also indicative of a machine's intelligence questioning its source of values.

The work incorporates digital drawing, sketches and collage. The software was written in p5.js (Javascript).


Generative Unfoldings 2021, MIT Center for Art, Science and Technology (CAST). Cambridge, MA


Generative Unfoldings exhibition

Launch Self-Doubting System