👽 Lee Tusman

Drone Collector


Drone Collector is a 'drone-strument' toy. It is a game-like interactive work inspired by "roguelike" games, with a procedurally-generated landscape of selected AI-derived tiles. The sound design consists of drones, echoes and harsh vibes.


Presentation online for Drone Games! May 13 - 16, 2022, A. Maze Festival. Berlin, Germany / Online.

Aleatoric Audio for an Infinite Island. May 28, 2022. Flux Factory (Governor's Island). New York, NY.


Drone Collector on Itch.io


Mushy tileset by Everest Pipkin and contributors CC-BY-3.0

Pix2pix-Tensorflow was used for sprite generation of player-character.

Words from Corpora.

Isometric Character by Elska.