👽 Lee Tusman

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How small organizations and artists can work with big institutions

03 Nov 2017

Two-minute read

Machine Project Field guide

These are my notes from a lecture by Mark Allen, former founder and director of Machine Project space in Los Angeles (RIP). I took these notes down in longhand in my notebook during the Common Field Convening in Los Angeles, 2017, and have condensed and transcribed them here.

Take your own Documentation!

  • Mark Allen spends 20% of budget on documentation!
  • institutions won’t necessarily care about same design/aesthetic/shots/etc
  • Design and make your own documentation
  • you never want to be in a position where you have to ask the institution for access to the documentation!

General Notes

  • how will your work be communicated to the world?
  • don’t just accept cultural capital. how will you be paid?
  • find scale of budget first. is this $500 or $5000? - for example. Is budget flexible?
  • if you have an org, make sure your org gets at least 20% toward your admin
  • might be a boss that likes you but their employees might not
  • key is be friendly with everyone, meet them, and build those relationships
  • make sure people get compensation (money, food, whatever it is)
  • these companies/orgs sometimes have a hierarchy of who should get paid, etc. if the institution is not looking out for it, you should advocate for your artists, partners, etc
  • you have a power at the beginning of the relationship particularly to advocate for more equitable relationships
  • be creative in reaching audience - what is needed? door-to-door? radio? etc
  • project doesn’t work for you? bail! :)


  • these institutions have legal team - so review contract and make sure to read it and maybe even write your own!
  • review the boilerplate legal contracts
  • ask for what you want!
  • Book: Heather Bin Darcy Bendari’s book - ART WORK - has info on writing and reviewing contracts
  • take your time to review the contract
  • Alternatively, even create a Memo of Understanding, such as in an email
  • “Hey, great meeting today. Just to follow up, here’s what we talked about to do. …….”
  • If your deliverables change in course, you may want to revise contract with the institution! and that’s okay
  • other idea: what are the things i care about? call those things ‘my artwork’ and include them in the work, potentially even in the display.

Identify what everyone brings to the partnership

  • what does the institution want out of this?
  • bringing audience? specific press?
  • what are the unconscious expectations? let’s get them out on the table
  • Be transparent! if you can
  • cynically you should consider what an org is trying to get out of the partnership - should you do the project? think about their goals. what would they be getting out of this relationship.