This week:

  • project check-ins
  • picamera2 firmware
  • troubleshooting
  • body/form

Attention: Lee is home sick and zooming today.

Troubleshooting hardware problems

See picamera2 documentation

Cameras in the wild

car with camera
via Les Pounder, IMG_6276 CC BY SA


wooden camera case
RasPi NoIR Cam Front, via Tydence Davis CC BY

NoIR cam - infrored camera module for night time pictures

Smaller Pi’s: Pi Zero

The pi zero requires a camera adapter cable if you go that route! check which version of the Pi you have and the adapter is compatible.

pi zero pieces


  • 3d printing
  • Laser Cutting
  • Legos
  • purchased
  • what else?
  • creative solutions such as embedding within a device like a vintage camera!



  1. On-going progress on your Pi group project
  2. Weekly log of work toward final project
    • each participant writes up their activity of the week (ideally, write a log every 20 minutes with your activities during that time)
    • photo documentation (which can include screenshots)
    • a writeup that ends with: what didn’t work? what are your next steps?

Final Project proposals

  1. What is your project concept idea?
  2. Who is on your team?
  3. What resources will you be using?
  4. What are you having trouble with or need help with?
  5. What are you planning on doing next?

Your outcome will be due : Presentations on May 7. Documentation due May 14.

  • a completed project.
  • project building tutorial
  • project manual (how to use it)
  • weekly logs of your activity and weekly photo documentation