Class 4 - High Tech, Low Life
Today (snow storm. everyone zooms):
- Cyberpunk Documentaries and Discussion
- Cyberpunk Part 1
- Queen of Cyberpunk in Japan
- Cyberpunk today
- media
- discussions
- Group meetings
Queen of Cyberpunk in Japan - Cybermom
Cyberpunk Documentary
Graphic Novels:
- The Long Tomorrow
- 2000AD
- Neuromancer (graphic novel version)
- Johnny Mnemonic (William Gibson)
- Burning Chrome (William Gibson)
- We can remember it for you wholesale (Philip K. Dick)
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Philip K. Dick)
- Snatcher (Dreamcast)
- Neuromancer video game (Amiga, Apple II, Apple IIGS, Commodore 64, and MS-DOS) (play online at Internet Archive)
Second Life documentary by Means TV
CW: digitally-depicted sex
Shared in class:
Georges Polti’s 36 Dramatic Situations - Michael brought up that most stories/themes can be found within one of these 36 situations
Group meetings
Review mood board, plan, materials list
Next week: Get in touch to pick up supplies from Lee on 2/21
In-class on 27th: hardware build-out, 3d printing and laser cutting demo
Cyberdeck project due March 5