- note: there are slides
We’ve learned a ton so far. We now understand the basics of Javascript values, variables and functions. We understand the concept of the DOM and know that Javascript lets us modify the DOM.
With that knowledge we’re going to add one other tool. This is the Javascript library jQuery.
Broadly stated, a programming library is a package of code with pre-written functions (and possibly variables, classes, etc) to simplify working in a specific area or category. jQuery is a Javascript library that makes programming in Javascript easier and it is quick to learn.
To use jQuery you first must pull it into your index file on the page
where you want to use it. You can add your own jQuery code inside the
tags or link to an external
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Minimal example - working with jquery</title>
<script src="jquery.js">
<script src="script.js">
jQuery is the most famous Javascript library and at one point could be found on over 60% of websites. There are 2 options to use it:
Download it. Choose the
compressed, production version 3.3.1. Then add a link to it in your html
index document. Then add a link to your own external script file after
that, normally before the closing </body>
A CDN means Content Delivery Network. Since so much of the web uses jQuery, there are companies and foundations that provide free links to jQuery online. Rather than having folks download jQuery from each website that uses it, a website developer can instead link to one of these centrally provided copies of jQuery online. That way, when someone visits your webpage, they will already have a copy of jQuery cached in their browser, and so your page will load faster.
Example - exactly same as above except for the jquery link
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Minimal example - working with jquery</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="script.js">
Same things as Javascript
best practices are to add link to jquery and then link to your
own external javascript file right before the closing
why? so your HTML and CSS is loaded first and then your script is applied to them
If you understand how CSS works you can understand how jQuery works!
With jQuery, our basic syntax is:
–> tells the browser we’re using jQuery
–> is a tag, class or id we are
selecting on the webpage. Don’t forget the # or . for IDs and
–> is what action should be taken on what
we’ve selected
alert("The paragraph was clicked.");
It’s best practices to wrap all of your jQuery code inside a ready event. In other words, we want all of our webpage’s HTML and CSS code to load first BEFORE we start running our jQuery code so that if our script needs content from our webpage it’s already loaded first.
//our jQuery code goes here
Examples of things you can select:
Example: When you click a button, all paragraphs are hidden
$("*") //select everything on page
$(this) //select current element, whatever it is
$("p.main") //select <p> elements with class "main"
$("p:first")//select first <p> on page
$("p:even") //select all even-numbered paragraphs
$("a[target='/'"]//select all <a> that link to home ("/")
$("[href]") //select anything with a href attribute
Many more example selectors
Events are “things that can happen” on a webpage including:
There are more events. You can find a listing of jQuery events here.
alert("You entered main!");
more on fading in and out options
Callbacks (functions that you want to have triggered when an effect finishes running)
Use multiple jQuery calls at once by chaining them together.
$("#p1").css("color", "red").slideUp(2000).slideDown(2000);
To make it easier to read, you can break your code over multiple lines:
$("#p1").css("color", "red")
Easy to do!
let myText = $('#main');
$('body').html("<p>Changing all your content!</p>");
$(‘p’).prepend(“I believe the opposite of this:”);
### jQuery to alter CSS
- addClass() - Adds one or more classes to the selected elements
- removeClass() - Removes one or more classes from the selected elements
- toggleClass() - Toggles between adding/removing classes from the selected elements
- css() - Sets or returns the style attribute
$(“button”).click(function(){ $(“h1, h2, h2, p”).toggleClass(“bg-Blue”); });
##### Get and Set CSS
Get example:
let bg = $(‘body’).css(‘background-color’);
Set example:
$(“p”).css({“background-color”: “purple”, “font-size”: “4em”});
#### change Dimensions
- width()
- height()
- innerWidth()
- innerHeight()
- outerWidth()
- outerHeight()
#### An aside: anonymous functions and passing functions
When we run ```$(document).ready(function(){})``` we are passing an anonymous function as an argument to ```$(document.ready()```
There are two things of note here: anonymous functions, and passing functions as arguments.
### Anonymous Functions
1. Anonymous functions are created at *runtime*
2. They don't have a name
Example of a named (not anonymous function):
function flyToTheMoon(){ alert(“Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!”); }
function() { alert(“Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!”); } ```
So we have an anonymous function stored as flyToTheMoon now.
Going back to our previous jQuery starter code, we are passing an anonymous function to the function ready(), which runs only once our page has loaded.
Watch They Live
Browse Claridryl website on Wayback machine
Create a fake (possibly a corporate) webpage that appears to be about one thing. Use generic language, stock images, etc.
Use an event (clicking a button, a timer, or some other method) to trigger a change in the website that makes changes to subvert the initial site. This could be a secret hacker ring, aliens, another civilization, or some group attempting to bring that corporation down, or perhaps show the company’s actually true intentions. Use your imagination to make this wild and far out. You may want to plan and sketch this first in a notebook. You may struggle turning the idea into your head into reality via your code. Write down problems you can’t solve in your notebook. Look for solutions. Take breaks!
You have two weeks to do this assignment!
For next week: - What is your concept? - What is your corporation or entity’s name? - What is your method? Will you use a framework or handcode or…? - Mock up the pages in a notebook or sketch on computer - Start working on it. Create HTML, CSS to demonstrate next week.
When finished, link to your project’s site from your class website you made last week.
Grading Rubric:
25% Concept Idea - Does the concept make sense? - Is it a novel idea? - Does the execution match the concept? - Quality of the content including the surprising hidden content that rewards the user’s discovery
25% Design - Is the site organized into separate HTML, CSS stylesheet(s) and Javascript/jQuery - Is the navigation intuitive? - Does the site work on different browsers and screen sizes?
25% Functionality - Does the jQuery function properly? - Does the project work as intended?
25% Completeness - Does the project have a title? - Do all pages have proper headings (h1, etc) and realistic text (not dummy) and pages with content? - Do the pages feel complete? - Project contains a website with both obvious corporate entity and hidden subversive messaging