Spring 2024
Instructor: Lee Tusman
Pronouns: he/him
Contact: Lee.Tusman@purchase.edu
Course: CRN 64657 / MAT 3146
Office Hours: Mondays 12:30 - 14:30
Room: Nat Sci 3001
Scripting For The Web is an upper level programming course designed to cohesively work with the web as technology, primarily through Javascript and its dynamic libraries and frameworks. We will build websites and web applications for clients and servers that use live data and interactivity as input, giving this work shape and form through code.
This course is designed to be flexible to student learning goals and interests. The Web is an evolving platform and technology. We will be covering a large array of programming interfaces, languages, frameworks and applications including HTML, CSS, Javascript, the DOM, NodeJS, Express, APIs, markdown, Bash, Linux, Git. Our goal will be to treat the web as a space for exploration and as a platform we can shape and on which to build projects that we envision.
Some of our learning will be difficult. Students will need to consistently write code and build websites and web applications multiple days a week throughout the semester in order to reinforce their learning and to complete their projects. In addition to our assignments, students are expected to do research out of class, to spend time debugging and solving coding errors and challenges, and to be bold and take charge of their learning.
This class is in Math and Computer Science, cross-listed with New Media, and we will take an expansive view of the web as medium to manipulate through scripting. In addition to our technical work we will discuss topics relating to our use of this technology such as privacy, user experience, accessible design, open source culture, and abuses of social media.
The Purchase College academic integrity policy explicitly forbids cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is the appropriation or imitation of the language, ideas, and/or thoughts of another person and the representation of them as one’s own original work. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the definition of plagiarism and the acceptable methods of attribution. Violation of any of the above may lead to formal disciplinary action and the following sanctions:
Students who have any questions or doubts about whether any activity is academically permissible should check with the instructor.
The Office of Disability Resources collaborates directly with students who identify documented disabilities to create accommodation plans, including testing accommodations, in order for students to access course content and validly demonstrate learning. For those students who may require accommodations, please contact the Office of Disability Resources as soon as possible, 914-251-6035, ODR@purchase.edu (Student Services Building, #316A), https://www.purchase.edu/odr.
University faculty and staff recognize that mental health and stress can impact college performance and interfere with daily life activities. At Purchase, Counseling & Behavioral Health Services can provide support if you’re struggling with feeling overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, lost, stuck or in a crisis. Please call (914)251-6390 or visit the Counseling Center website for more information. CBHS services are free and confidential.
We support all students experiencing emergencies. Services include therapy, support groups, stress reduction at the Harbor Center, and other activities. The Counseling Center in Humanities Lower Level is open M-F, from 9:00a.m.– 5:00p.m. for appointments and walk-up scheduling, or call (914) 251-6390. The Harbor Center Sanctuary in Fort Awesome is available for stress reduction, mindfulness and meditation training, free drop-in classes and support groups, and relaxation.
All students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with Purchase College’s Student Code of Conduct. Any repetitive or disruptive behavior, including but not limited to outbursts, intoxication/drug use, personal or physical threats, damage to property, etc., may result in the professor requesting the student to leave class, contacting University Police, and/or notifying the Office of Community Standards.
All students at Purchase College can take advantage of our tutoring services in the Learning Center and the Einstein Corner. These are free, 45-minute, peer-to-peer tutoring sessions in a variety of subjects and in writing across the disciplines. Sessions can happen in person or through the Online Writing Lab up to 3x/week. The OWL allows students to submit a paper draft and get written feedback by email within 48 business hours. We strongly recommend face-to-face meetings for first-year students and multilingual writers. I encourage you to take advantage of this service to help you excel in this class, as well as your other courses. Please visit the Learning Center and Einstein Corner websites for more information.
Learning programming is a cumulative effort. Each class builds on what you have learned in previous classes. Missing class can substantially set you back in this process. Therefore, it is important that you attend every class.
Coding can be difficult, and struggling with the material is part of the learning process. Students are allowed to collaborate to learn from each other. Do not collaborate in order to simply find out a solution to a project. Each participant should contribute approximately equally, and what you turn in should be your own. Copying a solution from another student, even if you change a few minor things such as variable names, is not a collaboration. You may help someone learn something, but you can not tell them what to code. If you have questions about collaboration or academic integrity, get in touch with me via email, talk with me before or after class, or come to office hours.
The Purchase College academic integrity policy, purchase.edu/live/blurbs/840-academic-and-professional-integrity, explicitly forbids cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is the appropriation or imitation of the language, ideas, and/or thoughts of another person and the representation of them as one’s own original work. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the definition of plagiarism and the acceptable methods of attribution.
Violation of any of the above may lead to formal disciplinary action and the following sanctions: * Minimum Sanction: Failing grade on the assignment or examination. Maximum Sanction: Expulsion * Recommended Sanction (First Offense): Failing grade for the course * Recommended Sanction (Second Offense): Expulsion
Students who have any questions or doubts about whether any activity is academically permissible should check with the instructor.
Plagiarism and cheating are taken seriously. You will be held accountable for Purchase’s Student Code of Conduct for Academic Integrity.
If needed, this syllabus and the course outline may be revised to better suit the class. Students are responbile for keeping up with any changes distributed via email or in class. The most up to date syllabus will always be up to date on the class site.
I will be accessible to you in class, office hours, and online. I will respond promptly within 24 hours during the schoolweek to any questions and can clarify anything from our class.
I will use your preferred name and pronouns and treat you with respect.
If you come to me with a request or feedback I will listen and give my full consideration.
If you have a concern or an emergency I will help you to services and support.
I will give prompt and clear feedback to you on your progress in class at set points in the semester and any time you make a request via email.
40% weekly homework assignments (weeks 1-10)
20% Mid-semester project
20% Final Assignment (weeks 11-14)
20% Participation and attendance, and preparedness
A 93 - 100
A- 90 - 91
B+ 87 - 89
B 83 - 86
B- 80 - 82
C+ 77 - 79
C 73 - 76
C- 70 - 72
D+ 67 - 69
D 60 - 66
F 59 and below
week 1
week 2
week 3
week 4
week 5
week 6
week 7
week 8
week 9
week 10
week 11
week 12
week 13
week 14
week 15
projects due!