πŸ‘½ Lee Tusman

Hello there, you’ve reached the πŸ‘ƒπŸ““ (NoseBook).

The πŸ‘ƒπŸ““ site was originally intended as a personal wiki for online research, tutorials, notes and ideas. And now it’s transformed into a space for me to share my writing and tutorials in a digital notebook – a personal collection of writing by Lee Tusman, an artist, curator, programmer, organizer working on artwork, websites-as-works, games, experimental and speculative software and artware, bots, radio and more. My interests include DIY creative community and how it lives online; tools for experimental digital artmaking; generative art; socially-engaged software; artist-run spaces; new forms of performance, collage; and sharing knowledge in a community. Send me your blogs/wikis as well!

This site is built in Jekyll on GitHub by Lee Tusman.
All content is Creative Commons CC BY 4.0.

Allways under construction.
under construction gif