Week 11 - Intro to Voice User Interfaces

Date: 2025-04-02


Voice User Interface

Excerpt from Her - video

How To Interact with Alexa

Everything you wanted to know about conversation design but were afraid to ask - video

Alexa parsing
How Alexa parses your -utterances-

The Voice Design Process For Voice User Interfaces (VUIs)

Voice User Interfaces are still an early technology, though they have connection to previous interfaces such as Command Line Interfaces. Because they are a recent mass-use technology, the process of designing a VUI is still developing.

One method based on our iterative design model for creating GUIs, adapted with additional steps for voice. - video ### Understand

  1. User Persona
  1. System Persona
  1. Journey mapping


  1. Sample dialog
  1. Table reading - take notes
  2. “Wizard of Oz” test


  1. User flowchart - wireframe
  2. Voice design - in a spreadsheet
  3. New - multi-modal interactions (combo of screen and voice.)
flow chart

How to interact with Alexa - Voice Design Guide - video

Glossary (Alexa):

Basic user interface guidelines:

  1. Make It Clear that the User Needs to Respond
  2. Don’t Assume Users Know What to Do
  3. Clearly Present the Options
  4. Keep It Brief
  5. Avoid Overwhelming Users with Too Many Choices
  6. Offer Help for Complex Skills
  7. Ask Only Necessary Questions
  8. Use Confirmation Selectively
  9. Obtain One Piece of Information at a Time

These design tips suggested by Amazon Alexa Best Practices that may be useful Do’s and Don’ts.

Playful interfaces

Here and There Along The Echo

Call 270-301-5797

Designing a Voice Skill


Developer sign-up

Parts: 1. Invocation 2. Intents, Sample, Slots 3. Build model 4. Endpoint



Meet Q the first genderless VUI

How does Natural Language Processing work? - video from PBS/Crash Course - 15 minutes


Why Do So Many Digital Assistants Have Feminine Names? - article - 10 minutes

Why People Name Their Machines - article - 5 minutes


We’ve now read how humans like to anthropomorphize their machines, and some of the reasons digital assistants have historically received feminine names. If you were designing a digital assistant, what choices would you make in its design? Would it have a name? A gender? Describe how you would design the assistant and why you’ve made those choices.