Code Editor = Software designed for writing and editing of plaintext (no bolding, underlining, etc) of source code. Can be standalone or packaged into a IDE.
IDE = Integrated Development Environment. This is a software application combining code editor, debugger, and build tools.
Dozens of good free code editors and IDEs are available. You are welcome to use any one you are familiar with. In this class I will tend to use VS Code.
VS Code lets you add custom additional features, called Extensions.
Let’s start with two extensions. Click on the gear in the bottom left, choose “Extensions.” In the top left is a search box. First, let’s look for Live Server. Click and install it. Secondly, let’s look for Live Share. Click and install. Then quit and re-open (after it completes installing) for it to complete.
First, We will collaboratively edit the index landing page for our webring.
10 minutes timer egg timer
Extra challenge: No talking is allowed.
Please add the onionring code to your now page that you previously uploaded. It’s probably best to place this before the closing </body>
Do you have a good workflow? Set up a system for yourself to easily upload updated pages to your server space.
The code to embed for our webring is here. Add to your now page or whatever page you want people to be brought to via the webring. Note: I set this previously based on what page you linked to from Moodle for homework.
<!-- START webring embed code -->
<div id="social">
<!-- END webring embed code -->
For example:
If you have a folder on your student server space called “projects” and you put an index.html inside there then your URL would be:
- index.html
- index.html
- index.html
- index.html
What are the upsides/downsides to this approach?
There is a quickstart guide with some useful info. It shows you how to upload to neocities. We’ll instead host our blog on our Purchase webserver.
Quickstart Guide for reference.
Our method:
Download Zonelets and place it in your local (on your computer) directory for your Purchase website. Unzip it (Right click and uncompress). You should now have a folder holding your Purchase website and inside that is the unzipped folder called zonelet_starter_01_4/. Rename this folder to blog
or writing
or other name.
Important: Don’t have spaces in the name. Instead, use _ (underscores) or - (dashes).
Open VS Code. File > Add Project folder > Navigate to the directory holding your blog.
In the Project navigation open your posts/ folder. Right click on 2020-11-10-Post-Template.html
and choose Duplicate. Give it a name like 2023-09-15-hello-world.html
. It’s important to use that naming structure. You can change the name of this file later by right clicking and choose rename.
You can now edit the page in VS Code’s text editor. Your writing / web content should begin starting on line 14. You can use any html tags like <p>, <h1>, etc. For a detailed example, you can open up
(modified from Zonelets Quickstart method)
part. This should look something like posts/2020-11-12-Plover-Appreciation.html
. You can copy this from the top of the HTML editor by right clicking on the name and choosing rename (cancel after you copy the filepath, you don’t actually want to rename it!). let postsArray = [
[ "posts/2023-09-15-hello-world.html" ],
[ "posts/2020-11-10-Post-Template.html" ] ];
Notice that the last post has the ];
to close the array while previous posts are separated by a comma.
In the bottom right start your live server. Your web browser should open automatically and point to:
How does it look? Go back to VS Studio and make any changes you need.
Open script.js
At the top in a comment it explains the different sections of this file.
In line 57 I changed the title Home to Posts
since that more accurately captures what that page is.
In line 59 I decided I didn’t want to link to an About page since my homepage/now-page already serves that purpose. So instead I changed that line to link to Home! Here’s what I put instead:
'<li><a href="' + '">Home</a></li> </ul>';
I wanted to make some changes to the posts page. Open posts > index.html. I didn’t want it to say I hope you enjoy your time here
so I removed that line.
In line 4 I changed the title of my page to Blog.
Uggh, the default theme. Yuck. You can change your theme. Which means CSS.
What I did: I copied the nude css theme from the Theme gallery over the supplied default css stylesheet. Then I added a link to my own stylesheet that I made previously afterwards. So I’m applying the theme css (which has css that affects formatting) and then my own css on top.
Add a link or add your nav to be able to get to your blog.
Notion wiki: CSS Resources that are mostly Comics and Games list
Alt.folklore.computers email list: Origins of the Finger Protocol
Zonelets Comparison to Other Blogging Methods
Listen to Community Memory and the Computing Counterculture and be prepared to discuss.
The Washington Post: For Commerce unit hit by computer virus, hardship of being unplugged has upside
The New Yorker: Email is Making Us Miserable
Zonelets homepage and Frequently Asked Questions.
Watch Jaron Lanier’s interview on On How Social Media Ruins Your Life.
Social media has a myriad number of ills. What are some of them? Can we fix social media and reform it? Analyze some of the social media (that we’ve covered in class or ones you are familiar with from outside of class).
Make an argument and use examples to back up your idea.
Do you find Jaron’s argument convincing? (why/not). How could these concerns be addressed, or are they being addressed somewhere already?
You should submit this assignment as a post on your new blog. Link to your blog post on Moodle.