Set-up for public presentations of Dream Machines!
set up your Dream Machine project
place manual
finished? Help a neighbor!
Demo and Presentations! 4pm!
Stand-up Presentation! We will have visitors!
What is your project title and concept?
How does it work?
Demonstrate it
Ways to extend the project
NOT PART OF THE PRESENTATION: What is it supposed to do if you got it to work as you originally intended.
Ubiquitous Computing and The Stack
–from The Stack, Benjamin Bratton, MIT Press
A comprehensive political and design theory of planetary-scale computation proposing that The Stack—an accidental megastructure—is both a technological apparatus and a model for a new geopolitical architecture.
–Benjamin Bratton, The Stack: On Software and Sovereignty
Homework Reading and Response
Pick 2 to read from the below and write a response
Write a 1/2 page/approx 500 word reading response to your chosen essays. Address your understanding of ubiquitous computing, its limitations/downsides, and any upsides. You may address any other topics that came up such as our roles as learners, creators, artists, programmers, technologists.