> passwd
> sudo timedatectl set-ntp false
> sudo date -s "20170904 1603"
> cd /opt/piratebox && sudo ./bin/timesave.sh ./conf/piratebox.conf install
> sudo /opt/piratebox/bin/board-autoconf.sh
USB: > sudo /opt/piratebox/rpi/bin/usb_share.sh
SDCard: > sudo /opt/piratebox/rpi/bin/sdcard_share.sh
> sudo cp /etc/minidlna.conf /etc/minidlna.conf.bkp
> sudo cp /opt/piratebox/src/linux.example.minidlna.conf /etc/minidlna.conf
> sudo systemctl start minidlna
> sudo systemctl enable minidlna
> sudo systemctl enable rpi_hwclock
sudo systemctl enable minidlna
sudo systemctl start minidlna
sudo systemctl stop minidlna
sudo /opt/piratebox/rpi/bin/usb_share.sh
cp /mnt/usbshare/index.html /opt/piratebox/share/content
Note: this will overwrite any index.html file that is already in that folder
By default, your piratebox network will be called PirateBox - Share Files Freely. You can change this!
Your file /opt/piratebox/conf/hostapd.conf
contains configuration to name the SSID network name.
For example, type
nano /opt/piratebox/conf/hostapd.conf
In the line that starts ssid
change the network name to a name of your choice.
Save. (Control-O
and then hit enter.)
Quit (Control-X
Then reboot your system.
The default displayed url is: piratebox.lan.
To change this, run:
sudo /opt/piratebox/bin/install_piratebox.sh /opt/piratebox/conf/piratebox.conf hostname new_name
replace new_name with whatever url name you like.
Your piratebox’s landing page index, css, images and js files are located at: /opt/piratebox/share/content
You’ll see index.html, stylesheet and javascript files there. You can edit these to serve any content.
sudo systemctl start minidlna
sudo systemctl enable minidlna
sudo shutdown now
Your .bashrc
file runs on startup.
The file is in your home folder. Edit the file.
nano .bashrc
At the end of the file add in:
systemctl piratebox enable minidlna
systemctl piratebox start minidlna
NOTE: This will autorun at startup. To quit out of it, you’ll need to do Control-C several times.
Additional Raspberry Pi Piratebox tutorials.
Info on how to modify the base Piratebox website including where files are located on the Pi, and customization hints.
Piratebox Forums
The Radical Tactics of the Offline Library, video based on the book Radical Tactics: Reversalism and Personal Portable Libraries
Radical Tactics of the Offline Library as PDF book, by Henry Warwick
Online Reading Group’s COLLABORATIVE LIBRARIES, Images and notes on collaborative libraries…
A Public Library, a space for conversations, presentations, the sharing of resources, and for collective reading, viewing, and learning.
The Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges
Librarian is my Occupation, a history of the People’s Library of Occupy Wall Street
Pick and read 2+ manifestos from Manifestos For the Digital Age.
The manifestos are available free to read in a GitHub repo.
Get your Piratebox to work. Develop a concept for your Piratebox server. Customize the landing page and network name. Add any additional functionality. When complete, consider moving the SD card to a dedicated Raspberry Pi Zero W, a $10 Pi.
When finished:
Note: Everyone in your group/collective must upload the README.txt file to their own moodle space!